Welcome to Ninguru
Home of fairies of the wood
A craft workshop and cafe in the forest where you can enjoy a
variety of workshops,good food,and a cheery atmosphere.
During the warm sunny days of summer,you can enjoy your meals sheltered within the cool shade provided by the forest surrounding the cafe.The spuirrels living there have ta‐ken a liking to the guests who frequent this spot.If you come they will surely welcome you as well. If you have the time,try your hand at one of our craft workshops.Using clay you can m‐ ake your own ocarina,or using acrylic pain,you might design your own original T‐shirt. whatever you might choose to do,be it nurturing the artist within you or just relaxing an‐d enjoying the quiet atmosphere,you are sure to come away with smile on your lips and a warm spot in your heart. |
Ninguru is 10min by car from the canoe sign by Lake kanay-ama or 2min by car from the Ikutora t-rain station. We are located at the side of next to the drive in along route 38.The cafe is wit‐hin the woods and well back from the road so be careful to look out for our si‐gn! |
head for furano we’re in the woods.
Using potters clay and your potters intuition,fashion an ocarina of your very own original design.All finished products are guar-anteed to be playable instruments. ○Bandana and T-shirt painting workshops Use acrylic paints to design your own T-shirts and bandanas.
Ninguru also has a gallery free and available to any aspiring artist who wishes to display her/his talents. Persons wishing todisplay art please contact us at (0167ー52ー3108) |
店内では、森の妖精(こびと)をモチーフとしたクラフト(手書きバンダナTシャツ・ミニリースetc.)の販売も行っています。 Enjoy both the tasete and the pleasing sight of o-ur lovingly cooked original menu items served on hand made earthen ware dishes. |
Thank you for your visit!